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Creative Conversations with Wake The Beast.


date. 2022-24

Location: Free Online Event

SEASON 3: December 2023 - April 2024

Creative Conversations

Creative Conversations takes a fresh and fun glimpse into Irish identity topics using performance, comedy and discussion.

Think of it as a snapshot of the Irish/ Northern Irish diaspora - only funnier!
We talk identity, diaspora and meet the interesting people behind the stories .. wherever they are. Episodes have seen us travel from London to Lusaka, New York to Newry meeting people from places in between.

Aimed at anyone interested in exploring topics related to Ireland / Northern Ireland with a Diasporan lens

Supported by the Government of Ireland Emigrant Support Programme.


You can sit back and watch or participate if you want to.


2023 Podcasts available now



SNAPSHOT - Irish community in Zambia -





Featuring Bronagh Carr (Zambia) & Irish/ N.Irish diaspora in Zambia.
This series kicked off reflecting on the diaspora experience abroad. ‘Snapshot Zambia’ focuses on the Irish community living in Zambia. We hear voices from the Irish community who have made Zambia their home for many years.

As well as speaking to members of the Irish community we spoke to Irish Ambassador Bronagh Carr.
After a long career in International Development, Bronagh Carr from Warrenpoint is the first woman from Northern Ireland to reach Irish Ambassador status in Zambia.
The Creative Conversation was hosted by the Irish community in Lusaka at the Irish Embassy (Zambia) and features a special theatre performance by Belfast born writer/ performer Joyce Greenaway (currently living in London).​







'Ireland's Loss Britain's Gain' – was in collaboration with London Irish Centre. Featuring stories from Irish health workers in the NHS. Hosted at London Irish Centre.


In this special episode– Irish and Northern Irish nurses and NHS / Social Care staff present and past reflect back on their experiences as immigrant health care workers in the over the past 75 years.


Tying in with Wake the Beast’s performance at Parliament on 25th April, we are highlighting the unique role of the Irish/ N.Irish diaspora in supporting, caring and serving in the UK.


This was a live recorded event in London with online participants joining on Zoom which featured a special theatre performance by Northern Irish Actor Aislinn Baxter. Aislinn read from Ethel Corduff's book 'Ireland's Loss Britain's Gain' from which this episode got its name. Guests included: Catherine McNally, Barbara O'Donnell, Heidi Edmundson & Ruby Harley.​​






'LOVE & JUSTICE’ – featuring Irish diaspora women from JENGBA (Joint Enterprise Not Guilty by Association).


In the 1960/ 70’s when political unrest was rife in England - innocent Irish/ Northern Irish emigrants could find themselves ‘suspect communities’- frequently experiencing wrongful arrests, detention or convictions. Campaigning and resisting in the diaspora was common.


Years later a group of mainly Irish Diaspora women set up an organisation to continue to fight miscarriages of justice which commonly affect Black and Asian young men through ‘Joint Enterprise’ convictions. JENGBA (Joint Enterprise Not Guilty By Association)- has fought to successfully change the law around 'Joint Enterprise' but as you will hear from our conversation... the fight continues.


These trailblazing Irish diaspora women give an insight into their experiences of injustice and what inspired them to start the campaign.


Please note the views expressed in this podcast are that of the presenter and JENGBA. The episode contains swearing and a lot of laughing.






What are the complexities of having a Northern Irish/ Irish identity and an American accent?


First and second-generation Irish people often speak about having a foot in both islands. This creative conversation focused on second and third generation Irish living in the USA.


Featuring Mícháel Cùrtin and Meg O'Brien from New York City.



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